thanks massively simplifies the Foundation paper which i got bogged down with and now will return back at look at certain sections. Be nice if Millibrain had tackled these areas first before firing off at all different angles although i do hope he will realise that the NESO2030 report is warning him off the 2030 goal and he resets it. There will then be an opportunity to both have a viable plan and do something about our over reliance on imports now for most of the kit creating green jobs everywhere except the UK.

By the way batteries are in the capacity market albeit derated

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Struggling to understand the LNG versus North Sea argument when 90% of UK gas for electricity in October came from UK or Norwegian gas fields piped to the UK. Fully agree it is a dwindling supply (Norway expect us to be supplying them electricity via their interconnector in the long term).

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Excellent analysis, thank you. Looking forward to your next post and to finding out about the fate of Bristol.

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